Once you’ve created a task, you can manage your tasks via the Tasks tab in the conversation details page. You can perform actions on a task such as completing, editing, and deleting a task.

Viewing tasks

The Tasks tab in the conversation details contain a list of all tasks created in that conversation, both complete and incomplete. Each task contains the following information: the task title, the due date of the task, and the task assignees.
If a task has been completed, that task will disappear from the tasks list.
If you’d like to view the details of that task, tap on the task to navigate to the Details section. This will contain any information provided about that task, including the title, status of the task, the duration of the task, the task assignees, and the task description.

Completing a task

To complete a task, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Message via the bottom menu bar
2. Select a conversation from the conversation list
3. Tap the three-dot icon at top right
4. Select the Tasks tab
5. Locate and tap on the task you’d like to complete
6. Tap the pencil icon at upper right
7. Tap Status, then either
a. Select Completed in the modal window
b. If the task is set up to show a task completion status in 10% increments, drag the slider to 100% and select Done
c. If the task is set up to complete when checked by all assignees, tap your name, then tap Done
8. Tap the check mark at top right to mark the action as complete

Mark a completed task as incomplete

If you realized you marked the task complete by accident and you want to mark the task as incomplete, follow these steps to mark the task as incomplete:
1. Locate the conversation that contains the completed task
2. Tap the completed task to open it
3. Tap the pencil icon at upper right
4. Tap Status, then either
a. Select Incomplete in the modal window
b. If the task is set up to show a task completion status in 10% increments, drag the slider to the appropriate completion percentage and select Done
c. If the task is set up to complete when checked by all assignees, tap your name, then tap your name, then tap Done
8. Tap the check mark at upper right to mark the action as complete
Any time you update a task, a new message will appear in the message thread showing a status update of that task.

Editing a task

To edit a task that you created, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Message via the bottom menu bar
2. Select a conversation from the conversation list
3. Tap the three-dot icon at the top right
4. Select the Tasks tab
5. Locate and open the task you’d like to edit
6. Tap the pencil icon at the top right
7. Make changes to any of the settings in the Edit task screen
8. Tap the check mark at the top right to save your changes
Please note that anyone can edit a task, even if it’s not a task they created.

Deleting a task

To delete a task you’ve created, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Message via the bottom menu bar
2. Select a conversation from the conversation list
3. Tap the three-dot icon at the top right
4. Select the Tasks tab
5. Locate and open the task you’d like to delete
6. Tap the three-dot icon at the top right, then select Delete