1. Launch the RingCentral app.
2. Tap Message.
3. Tap the tab to view the following messages:
  •  All - Lists all your conversations.
  • Direct - Lists the Direct messages and Group conversations.
  • Teams - Lists the conversations from the Teams.
  • Favorite - List the conversations from your Favorites.
4. Tap on a conversation to view the messages.


- On the Message screen, tap the More (Kebab icon) on the upper-right corner to see the following:
  • Me Conversation - View conversations of your self. You can put important here before sharing them to any conversation stream.
  • @Mentions - View all mentions of your name from any contact in any conversation stream.
  • Bookmarks - View all of your bookmarked items in RingCentral app Mobile or Web /  Desktop.
- Tap and hold on a conversation stream to Mark as Unread / ReadAdd to FavoritesUnmute / Mute Conversation, or Close Conversation.

- Tap and hold on a chat or on an item from the conversation stream to Share FileLikeBookmarkPinQuote MessageCopy textEdit messageDelete message or Reply to Task.

- Tap on a conversation, then tap the More (Kebab icon) on the upper-right corner. You can swipe to the left to view all of the information about the post that includes FilesPinnedTasksEventsNotes, and Links.