Viewing participants on the meeting screen

You can tap and choose one of the following displays from the layout switcher on the meeting screen:
  • Filmstrip: View the active speaker at the center, then displays other participants at the bottom.
  • Active speaker: View just the active speaker.
  • Gallery: View all the participants on the screen. It highlights the participant speaking. This is the default view upon joining a meeting. The main screen in RingCentral Video displays:
    • iOS phone: 4 participants
    • Android phone: 4 participants
    • Tablet (iOS and Android): 9 participants in landscape and 8 in portrait mode

Pinning participant’s video window

You can pin any participant in a meeting so their video window is constantly displayed in your meeting screen. With the pin participants feature, you can:
  • view the pinned participants in filmstrip view (by default). You can tap and switch to gallery view at any time.
  • pin a maximum of 3 participants in mobile and 6 in a tablet device.
  • remove pinned participants at any time.

There are two ways to pin a participant’s video while in a meeting:
  • Tap and hold their name on the main meeting screen, and then tap Pin participant. OR
  • Tap Participants at the bottom menu bar, then tap the three-dot More icon at the far right of their name, and then tap Pin participant. 

Removing pinned participants

If you would like to remove a pinned participant’s video, you can in four ways:

  • Tap and hold the pinned participant’s name, and then tap Remove pin.

  • Tap the layout switcher on the meeting screen, and then tap Remove all pins. This will remove all pinned participants’ video windows. 
  • Tap Participants at the bottom menu bar, then tap the three-dot More icon at the far right of participant’s name, and then tap Remove pin.  
  • Tap Participants at the bottom menu bar, and then tap the three-dot More icon at top right to remove all pinned participants’ video windows.

Participants view 

Tap Participants at the bottom menu bar to access the following:

  • the total number of meeting attendees
  • the list of meeting participant names
  • pin and remove participants’ video window
  • attendees that have been removed or disconnected from the meeting

As a meeting attendee, you can access the following in-meeting controls via the Participants menu:
  • Remove all pins: Tap the three-dot More icon at the top right to remove all pinned participants’ video window.
  • Invite people: Tap to invite participants.
  • Mute/Unmute: Tap the microphone icon to mute or unmute your microphone.
  • Start/Stop video: Tap the video icon to turn your video camera on or off.
  • More: Tap the three-dot More icon at the far right of participant’s name to access the following:
    • Pin participant: Tap to pin participant’s video window.
    • Remove pin: Tap to remove pin on participant’s video window.

Note: If you are the host or moderator of the meeting, you can access other in-meeting controls via Participant’s view that are only available to hosts.